So, occasionally I like to fill out surveys of myself. So here is one that I just did. It was fun.
1Where do you go to shop for clothes? Kohl’s
2Do you buy your own groceries? Nope
3Do you think people talk about you behind you’re back? Probably, but I don’t really care
4When’s the last time you had a sour gummy worm? Oh wow…too long!
5Whats your favorite fruit? You’re asking me to narrow this down? Apple, watermelon, raspberry, strawberry, orange, banana, pineapple, it goes on
6If there was a fire, what would be the first thing you would grab? After making sure everyone (including pets) was safe…I might grab Polar (my teddy bear) and my scriptures and journals
7Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel? I don’t think so, but I should get one!
8Have you ever tried to build something? Maybe…I don’t really remember
9Do you play with legos? I love legos!
10Do you play with barbies? Yes. Mostly with my nieces.
11Who’s your favorite Disney Princess? Hmm…I like Belle, I like Ariel.
12Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not at the moment
13Would you rather have blue skin or purple skin? Depends on the shade. Purple might be pretty cool.
14Have you ever gotten a sunburn? How can I not get sunburned?
15Have you eaten snow? Yep.
16Have you watched Star Wars, any of the six? I’ve seen all of them. The originals are amazing. The new ones…bad…worse…and horrible!
17Do you have a fuzzy pen? A fuzzy pen? What do you mean?
18Do you fix your bed? Nope.
19What color are your bedsheets? Blue
20Do you wear slippers? Only in winter
21What is the coolest lamp you own? I wish I owned a lava lamp…
22What’s your favorite flower? Lilacs
23Did you go or do you want to go to prom? Nope. Oh well.
24What does your tissue box look like? Like a tissue box
25Did you ever open a lemonade stand? Yes. It was a great summer activity
26Were you or are you in ballet? No.
27Do you listen to classical music? Of course!
28What’s the longest book you’ve read? 1000 pages Wheel of Time
29What smiley best represents you? The one with the tongue out—indicating that I’m always joking or silly or feeling a little dumb. :P
30What do you do when you are stuck? Write, music,
32Do you have your own pool? I wish. The climate isn’t that allowing.
33Do you have a website where you put your pictures on? I put a bunch of pictures on facebook and I have a blog
34Do you watch Sponge bob? YES! I love SB
35What kind of car do you want? Anything that runs at the moment,
36Last food you ate? Hard-boiled egg and a bagel
37Last nice thing you did for someone? I cleaned the living room
38Do you make presents? Yes. I think they mean more that way
39Do you make your own jewelry? I don’t. But my sisters do and it’s really cool
40How many questions are left in this survey? A lot
41Are you in advanced classes? College is advanced everything
42Do people consider you as smart? As far as I know
43Do you collect anything? Glasses, rocks
44Do you collect a series of a certain book? I collected Series of Unfortunate Events, I also collected Animorphs a long time ago, I also have the Artemis Fowl books
45What time is it? 12:08 PM
49Have you ever been to Jamaica? No, mon…
50Do you make your own cards? I made a bunch of flashcards a while ago
51Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together? Yep.
52What was the stupidest thing you’ve done? Hmm… I can’t really narrow it down
53How many languages do you know? Just English, fluently
54Can you skip stones? No, I wish I could
55Where did you get this survey from? Well, I had it in my Word Files, and I wanted to update it.
Today ::
& What’s the weather like? Nice and Warm
& What did you do? I struggled to get up, watched TV, and cleaned a bit
& Have you eaten breakfast yet? Yep
& What did you eat? Eggs and a bagel
& What do you see when you like out the window or door? Green trees, greenish grass and blue sky
& Have you exercised? Not today
& What do you plan to do for the rest of the day or tomorrow? I’m going to watch a movie with my mom. I need to do some homework.
& When did you wake up? Around 10:30
& Have you eaten lunch yet? Not yet
& What did you eat? I said I haven’t eaten yet!
& Have you gone out to eat and where? Not today
& Did you buy anything? Nope
& Has something changed drastically today? Hmm…Well, I started on penicillin so hopefully my sinus infection will go away
& Are you happy? I’m kind of emotionless right now
& Did you sing aloud today? Not yet
& Did you talk to a friend on the phone? Nope.
& On AIM? I don’t do IM anymore
& In person? My mom is my friend
& Did you get mail? I wish…
& What was it (junk, bills, personal letters)? I haven’t checked my email yet
& How many times have you gone to the bathroom so far? Just once I think
& Have you taken a nap? I would love to!
& How long have you been on the computer? Too long
& What are you listening to at the moment? My keys clicking on the keyboard
& What is one thing that happened today that you will never forget? Um…I don’t think I will remember anything about today
& Is anyone in the room with you? Not at the moment
& Are you feeling lazy? Well, I’m feeling sick. Is that the same?
& Are you feeling bored? Just tired
& What have you accomplished today? I cleaned
& Was there any questions that were repeated? Yeah
How often do you lie? I really try not to lie
Are you a good liar? Unfortunately yes
Do you get away with it? Um…I haven’t lied in a while, so I don’t know
What is the worst (horrible) lie you have ever told? Telling people I wasn’t mad at them, when really I was
What is the worst (stupid) lie you have ever told? Telling my teacher I didn’t cheat after he saw me do it
Are white lies okay? No lie is okay
What is the last white lie you told? “I’m fine”
Did you lie a lot when you were younger? Yes; sorry, mom.
About what? About stealing candy
Did you fool your parents? Sometimes
Have you ever been caught in a lie? Yes, fortunately. It taught me that it’s not okay to lie.
What was it about? Stealing candy and cheating
Do you have a guilty conscious? I do when I think too much about it
How can someone tell when you are lying? They would have to ask me straight-up “are you lying?” I can’t lie to that.
Do you cheat on tests? Once, in middle school
Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? And I did get caught. Thank goodness. It really taught me.
Have you ever caught someone else cheating on a test? Not that I remember.
Have you ever cheated on a bf or gf? Nope
Have you ever been caught cheating on your bf or gf? No, because I’ve never cheated on one.
Would you ever cheat on your current bf or gf? What kind of question is that? No!
Would you ever cheat on them with some famous model/actor/actress? NO!
What if you were completely sure you would never be caught? NO! Like that would make it better!
Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah
Have you ever stolen before? Yeah
If so what? Candy from my mom
Do you think stealing is a serious crime? It is.
What would you do if you caught someone stealing from you? It depends on what they were stealing. But I would make sure they knew it wasn’t okay.
Have you ever stolen someone’s heart? I don’t think so.
What was the last thing you stole? More than likely candy
Ever had anything stolen from you? It’s probable
If so, what? money
What is one thing that you would steal if you could get away with it with NO consequences? Music
Are you currently in Love? Nope
If so, with whom?
When was the last time you were in love? About 2 years ago. (Has it been that long?)
How long does it take you to fall in love? I used to fall in love quickly. But something tells me it would be a lot longer now.
How many times have you really been in love? 3
Do you think there were times you thought you were in love when you weren’t? Oh yeah. High school was full of that.
How fast do you tell a significant other that you love them? It depends on the person really.
How often do you tell your parents you love them? Everyday, I hope.
How often do you tell your bf or gf? Everyday, if I had one
Do you tell your friends? Only my closest friends
Have you ever said I love you and not meant it? Yeah, unfortunately
Have you ever said I love you but I’m not in Love with you? Interesting question.
Are you a slave to love? I used to be
Do you love yourself? Yes. Sometimes I don’t, but mostly I do.
What is the best thing about Love? Knowing that they accept you completely
If you were______ what would you be?
[a flower] a lilac
[a fruit] watermelon (hard on the outside, soft inside)
[a vegetable] a gourd J
[a spice] lemon pepper, the heat kicks in the more you eat
[a color] dark green
[a bug] a pill bug (rollie pollie)
Short Answer
[are you left handed or right handed?] right
[are you smart?] yes
[what’s your middle name?] I don’t have a middle name sadly
[how many personalities do you have?] two
[how many piercings do you have?] none
[tattoos?] none
[do you like v-8?] Ick, no.
[what was your first word?] Geek!
[are you superstitious?] With some things
[do you read your horoscope?] when I need a good laugh
[do you believe in that stuff?] nope
[can you do a cartwheel?] I hope so
[do you have bangs?] no! never again!
[do you have contact lenses?] glasses
[can you drive?] yes and I do
[what do you drive?] a grey chevy impala
[do you snore?] I’ve been told I do sometimes
[Do you drool in your sleep?] I haven’t for a while
[do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?] lick them
[do you keep a journal?] yes
[what languages do you know?] English mostly.
[what's the best awards show?] ugh…no
[do you like onions?] they hurt
[do you like cotton candy?] Love it!
[do you like Pina coladas?] Usually only with another flavor involved
[what instruments can you play?] cello, piano, guitar, and I sing
[what words do you overuse?] “I know, right?” “For real, right?”
[what do you sleep in?] pajamas… they change
[what’s your bedtime?] whenever I get tired
[how many pillows do you have?] just one
[do you like to dance?] yes, but not in front of people
[do you like to sing?] I love to sing
[are you any good at it?] yes
[how many cds do you have?] many, but I use my iPod
[do you like to talk on the phone?] no. I like texting
[how many times have you moved houses?] Never! Yay!
[what do you think of chain letters?] sometimes they can be fun
[do you like where you live?] I love it here
[is your room messy?] yes, of course
[how many people go to your school?] a lot
[do you like your writing?] like, my handwriting? It’s okay
[do you like to finger-paint?] yes! I haven’t forever though
[what do you smell like?] I smell like me…
[are you organized?] I can be, with certain things
[what do you put on hotdogs and hamburgers] usually just ketchup
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] yes. Polar
[do you sleep with socks on?] only in the winter
[are you ticklish?] It depends on who is tickling me
[are you shy?] depends on the surroundings
[do you talk to yourself?] yes, all the time
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories?] well, I guess 3…
[do you have a basement or an attic?] both
[what flavor fluoride do you get at the dentist?] um…I’ve never been given a choice
[did you go to preschool?] I have vague memories of it
[are you a morning person?] no
[whats your favorite outfit?] anything that’s comfy. My family reunion shirt
[do you have a friend that you wish wasn't you friend?] um…I don’t want to answer that question
[who has the most annoying voice in the world?] Perez Hilton
[do you believe in ghosts?] yes
[do you believe in bigfoot?] yes
[whats your favorite feature (on yourself)] my hair or skin
[what do you do when you're nervous?] bite my lip, twiddle my fingers
[who's your role model?] I have a lot of role models.
[do you like classical music?] yes
[how old do you wish you were?] I’m good with my age.
[have you ever thought you were gonna die?] yes
[where's the farthest place you ever traveled?] Paris, London
[where do you wanna go?] I’m good with staying here for a while
[what is the best advice you've ever been given?] “Make it work”
Monday, June 28, 2010
About me
Posted by Elisabeth at 11:38 AM
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