Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Eggs

I suppose I'm too old to participate in an Easter egg hunt... But I'm NOT too old to decorate eggs! Jill boiled some eggs and made whipped up some homemade dyes and we decorated eggs on Sunday.

I'm sure my family remembers how intensely Dad worked on his eggs. They were works of art. I must have inherited Dad's egg-decorating gene, because some of my eggs turned out AWESOME!

It was so much fun! Henry was having a blast! And Lorenzo wanted to take as much time as he could to ensure perfection. :D William tried to get a brown egg and Sam followed my lead with the masking tape.
Easter was great!

(PS that cute flower in my hair was a gift from Melissa (she made it for me))


Laura S. said...

Those are pretty awesome eggs! I admit I was very boring when it came to dying my eggs, but then I had two little helpers that weren't going to let me get too creative. It was very educational though; they learned about how colors mix to make new colors, and they learned what happens when you drop a boiled egg on the floor.

Todd said...

Awesome eggs! Love that marbled look. Todd also takes plenty of time when dying his eggs to ensure perfection.
(this is jen)

Laura S. said...

Ethan wants to know how you got an owie on your finger. Also, I've heard rumors you got some new digs, and I'd like to request a post about it.