Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to School

Well, it's been a nice break, but all good things must come to an end soon, I suppose. However, I have 4 classes and I am super excited about all of them. I am taking Eng 314 from Dad. It's going to be challenging but it'll be fun. I'm a good writer and I like any opportunity to improve my writing.

I'm also taking piano lessons. I'm really excited. I haven't had piano lessons for a while. I am going to learn some pieces that I've had my eyes on for several months.

I'll be in orchestra again. I have had so much fun in there the past few semesters. Brother Kevin Call is teaching again and he is the best teacher ever. He is actually the reason that I took it in the first place. I have a really good friend that plays the cello. I hope we are stand partners again.

But the class I have to admit I'm most excited and nervous about is PRIVATE COMPOSITION LESSONS! from one of my favorite teachers: Brother Kerr. I don't know what to expect. But with Brother Kerr I am sure I'll learn a lot. I'm excited.

So that's what is going on school wise. I'll try to blog more often. I enjoy your blogs. I don't have much news compared to you guys. But I'll keep you updated.

Love ya.