Thursday, August 26, 2010

New woman

Well, I got a haircut! It's true. And it's about time too. I have been thinking about getting my hair cut for quite some time. As you can see it was quite long.

And there is nothing wrong with long hair! I really loved having it long. But it was high time for a change. So when I went to the girl's weekend with my sisters and Jen mentioned that Gwendolyn was growing out her hair to donate it to "Locks of Love" it was just the push I needed to finally go through with it. Here is the hair I'll be donating:

And another view:

I haven't had my hair short in a very very very long time. And I have to say that I love it! It is really refreshing to have this change. Here is the new me:

It's so AWESOME to have short hair! I feel like a new woman!