Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Mullet Day!

No, I don't think it's an actual holiday. But it should be. I've been perusing some funny websites and I think it's only fair that I share some of my best finds with you. This post is dedicated to my brother-in-law Travis, who instilled in me a great respect of mullets.

I am not a mullet expert, so I don't know all the names. Please leave a comment if you know the names of any of these. I just call this one "fab-mullet." Because it's FABULOUS!

A common misconcetption is that only men can have mullets. Not so. As proved by the above picture. I call this one "cascade," because the little poofs at the bottom remind me of the mist that comes up at the bottom of a waterfall.

"Famullet" A family of mulleteers. :) (Like musketeers, but with mullets! I'm so funny.)

BuzzMullet. A beautiful sample. Something about him being blond makes this mullet even greater to me.

There are many more mullets that could appear on this post, but at the risk of being too long, I'll end with this final mullet:

The "Speechless Mullet." Because more than any other mullet, this one, leaves you without speech.

I take my leave.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hey ya'll,

I got a new summer job! I'm actually really excited. I start today. I am now employed at Western Wats; which is a market research company. Basically, I call people and give them surveys. I am aware that not everyone is going to be nice to me, but I think I can deal with that.

I'm also excited to be able to pay my siblings back. Thank you guys incredibly much for loaning me the money so I could go on the Brit Lit Pilgrimage! It was really a life changing experience. I'll be able to pay you back by September, probably sooner. :)

I can't really write much about what I do on the job, because I haven't started yet. But I'll give you updates on how I'm doing!

Love you all!

This is me leaning casually against the wall in Chester, England. :)