Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Hair Cut

My hair was looking kinda crazy, so I decided (with help from mom) to get a trim to help it look better while I'm growing it out. Here is is!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Eggs

I suppose I'm too old to participate in an Easter egg hunt... But I'm NOT too old to decorate eggs! Jill boiled some eggs and made whipped up some homemade dyes and we decorated eggs on Sunday.

I'm sure my family remembers how intensely Dad worked on his eggs. They were works of art. I must have inherited Dad's egg-decorating gene, because some of my eggs turned out AWESOME!

It was so much fun! Henry was having a blast! And Lorenzo wanted to take as much time as he could to ensure perfection. :D William tried to get a brown egg and Sam followed my lead with the masking tape.
Easter was great!

(PS that cute flower in my hair was a gift from Melissa (she made it for me))

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

19:44 and 10!

As you know, I'm now living in a house with a treadmill. I decided it's time to take action against my weight. So For the past week and a half, I've been trying to run a mile and a half each day. I'm slowly getting better and better.

One of my goals is to improve the time I do a mile in little by little. And today was a milestone (har har har)! I ran/walked (i can't run it straight yet) a mile in 19 minutes and 44 seconds! Wahoo! I was super excited.

I also have started to weigh myself periodically. And today I weighed myself and I've lost 10 pounds! Yeah! I'm just so excited about the progress I'm making. I hope I can keep the momentum!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Job

I got a new job! I work at Bath and Body Works (if you couldn't tell). It's a great job. I love it. I can't wait till I get more hours.

I smell so good when I get home from work. :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Temple and moving

So, I went to the temple for the first time on the 29th of January! It was wonderful! And what made it even more wonderful were all the people who came with me! Mom, Dad, Andrea, Kevin, Jill, Melissa, Nana, Tricia, Boss, Brother and Sister Little, and Brother and Sister Hartvigsen!

All my sisters were there together! It was wonderful. Jill made the trip in one day and because she was going to have to drive back all by herself in the dark someone made the suggestion that I go with her (originally just to visit), but I asked if I could stay a while longer than visiting and I successfully made the transition down to Park City!

Jill and Will are so great to let me live with them. The job market here seems much better than in Rexburg (where it is practially non-existent), so I'm looking for a job. I'm really tired of filling out applications, but it'll be nice to work and earn some money.

Anyway, I'll update you when something happens. :)


Saturday, January 15, 2011

What next?

Well, I have to admit, I'm at a loss for what to do next. I have a meeting with my bishop tomorrow. I'm going to talk about going to the temple for the first time. I'm excited about that. I'm also planning on talking to him about working on my mission papers. So I guess the next step is to find a job! Wal*Mart seems good. I just need a full time job to earn some money.

I've been working on some "projects." I finished a novel. I guess I should say I finished my first draft of that novel. Much editing is in store. I'm currently working on another novel as well.
For Christmas I recieved from Richard and Laura a book filled with some great piano music. I've been learning those pieces.
I also got "Zelda: Twilight Princess" for the Wii for Christmas and I've been working on that. I like video games! I'll just say that right now. I beat it a few days ago. I discovered that I really don't like to finish things. Do other members of my family have that problem?
I'm trying to clean my room. That is an uphill battle. I'm usually daunted by the task of cleaning my room. There are just a lot of things that have emotional ties to and I don't feel like opening those memories up.
I'm also trying to exercise everyday. We brought the bike in the TV room and I've been doing pretty well at doing that or other forms of exercise. Shoveling was yesterday's activity.

That's a quick update on my life right now. Not terribly exciting, but quite relaxing, which is nice.