Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just some thoughts

It's funny. I can't even feel free to express my feelings on my blog. Well, this picture is cool.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Project!

Hey guys! The reunion was great! I'm so happy that I got to see all ya'll. Anyway. Here is my new musical project I'm working on. Steve got me a guitar a few years back and I used it occasionally. But he got it out again at the reunion and I realized I want to play the guitar! so I remembered about this website where you can get the chords for songs. So I printed off a few and I have been working on them! It feels great.

Anyway. I love you guys. I hope you travelled safely and are recovering from the aftershocks of the reunion. :) Say hi to your kids for me. And thank you a million times for letting me perform for you. It was really a treat for me to share my music with you.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Children's Corner

Hey guys I just wanted to write about my lasted accomplishment. This is Claude Debussy--one of my favorite composers. He wrote a collection of 6 pieces called "Coin des enfants." That is French for Children's Corner.

I learned the first one, "Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum" a long time ago; when I was still taking lessons from Sally. Later on I learned number 6 "Golliwogg's Cake-Walk." That one was so fun.

Anyway a while after that Mom bought me a two CD set of Debussy pieces and these happened to be on there. I noticed that there was one pianist who performed all of them. I thought to myself "gee, I'd like to be good enough to learn all of these."

A while after this, when I was in college, I brought my book to my piano lessons, not thinking about it and I got to learn number 4 "The Snow is Dancing." It was great.

Much time went by. One evening I was just reviewing some pieces that I learned and I fell upon Snow is Dancing. "I think I learned this once." I thought. So with a little reviewing I got it back to performing level.

Then... I looked at number five, "The Little Shepherd." "I think I can sight-read this." I thought. And I did. I was so pleased with my progress I decided then and there to learn the other two. Number 3 "Serenade for the Doll" looked really difficult. But I had listened to it and I loved the sound of it, so I worked really hard and got it! It was a lot easier than first anticipated. It's one of my favorites now. (of course that's not saying much because I love them all SO much.)

My Last hurdle: "Jimbo's Lullaby." I was hesitant to start learning this one because it just sounded SO boring. And When I sight-read through it the first time I still thought it was boring. I told Dad this and he said something like, "Sometimes the things we think we like least turn out to be the best thing for us." I took this in mind and I kept at it. "Find the Music in it," Dad would say.

One day I played it and when I stopped I couldn't get this one part out of my head. I finally found the music! Bueno! I felt so good! I learned the entire set! I loved knowing that I did one of the things I had tried to do for so long. I feel like I haven't accomplished a big musical goal in a while so this was a big thing for me! And the Best moment was playing the entire set all the way through. It felt so great. It feels great. I love music. And if we get the time and you would like to, while you are up here, I wouldn't mind performing them for you. Let me know. Love ya'll.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Space! The Final Frontier

You will notice that I changed the name and layout of my blog. "Book of Days" is a title of an Enya song. I thought it was fitting and of course the Celtic book represents that title. I found this awesome site with tons of blog backgrounds. It's really cool. Let me know if you are interested.

Monday, June 2, 2008


OKay, C.S. Lewis is my favorite author. Hands down. Perelandra is book two in his space trilogy. We were assigned to read it for Dad's Christian Authors class last semester. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. These pictures aren't Perelandra of course but they remind me of it. The final project for that class was a creative project. I wrote a song. I'd like to share the lyrics with you. (The language that you do not recognize is a language I created for a novel I wrote. If you wish to know what that says, you may ask me.)

Finding My Way

Here am I
On this world they call Thulcandra
Who will save me?
There is no Ransom
Come down from the sky
To fight the Unman within

If only I were there
If only is a fool's phrase

Walking in the Land of Shadows
Don't let the Beasts take me
A Key is all I need
To find my way to Faery

Wishing for a higher sphere
Wishing is a fool's dream

Feeling my way through the darkest abyss
No light to guide me
If I fall and stop the trek
No one will come and find me

Saved from a horrible fate
May we enter heaven's gate?

Dar hin de a san
A mey-rey xur ti lanos
Tay hin tur sal-te
Ti mey-rey mur Perelandra

Somewhere I will find it
Is it within reach?

Within reach
Darto hin?