Thursday, August 26, 2010

New woman

Well, I got a haircut! It's true. And it's about time too. I have been thinking about getting my hair cut for quite some time. As you can see it was quite long.

And there is nothing wrong with long hair! I really loved having it long. But it was high time for a change. So when I went to the girl's weekend with my sisters and Jen mentioned that Gwendolyn was growing out her hair to donate it to "Locks of Love" it was just the push I needed to finally go through with it. Here is the hair I'll be donating:

And another view:

I haven't had my hair short in a very very very long time. And I have to say that I love it! It is really refreshing to have this change. Here is the new me:

It's so AWESOME to have short hair! I feel like a new woman!


Richard said...

I agree! It looks awesome. I think it's funny, though, that you have it as the post right after the mullet post. I'm glad this wasn't an extension of that one, with you rocking the "Buzz Mullet."

Lindsey Phelps said...

I agree with Richard.

Laura S. said...

You are so brave! I love the cut, I'm almost jealous of how cool and light it would feel. That's awesome that you're donating it too!

Jill said...

Betty! I love, love, love it!

Jennifer said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Short hair rocks and you look awesome.

G was grinning from ear to ear when I read this post to her. I can't wait to cut/donate her locks.

Melissa said...

Well it looks amazing and I know how liberating it can feel to cut off that much hair.
It makes me sad that I cut off about 8 inches of Zoe's hair this week but wasn't able to donate it because I didn't do it all at once (I was too scared).

Shauna-mama-gramma Sam said...

It's a really cute cut for her face. You just want to play with it!