Monday, July 14, 2008



I pour the pieces on the table
Some spill off the side
I search for the corners--
The easiest to find

Are some missing?
Should I pick those off the floor?
They are dirty now.
They may not fit back here anymore.

I leave it for a day
When I return from wherever I've been
It looks strange to me
I start over again

I have no picture to reference
I'm not even sure how
It's supposed to look
Then or now

I finish, how many hours spent?
No, not quite done
There are pieces missing,
Or perhaps just one.

Yes, the largest,
The most important, the key,
Not on the floor
Not within me

I leave the jigsaw again
And walk around my mind
I see you holding the piece,
Would you be so kind?

I smile and reach for you
But you recoil, and turn
I watch in horror
You give it away, to her

I run to my jigsaw
And throw it on the floor
It shatters
I cannot fix it anymore

Would someone else?
No, that won't do,
Who fits me better
Than you?


Melissa said...

Wow, your poem is really good...bad...horrible...well done, you know what I mean? I can't say I enjoyed it because it is so sad, but I thought it was well done.
I am sorry your heart is broken. Let's talk.